Welcome to the Session. The following are the references for the December 13, 2007 Session.
Download the 25-Page Special Report and Framework Graphics.
Plus PowerPoint file, the three framework graphics.

- Basic 2-3 minutes video on "What is Social Networking" - By CommonCraft
What is Social Networking? What is Social Bookmarking? What is RSS? What is a Wiki? - The Technical Side of Social Networking, 2-3 minute video
- Outsourced Brain
- P.L.E. Personal Learning Environment
- Jobs and Careers in Social and Collaborative Learning
- Digital Natives, What they Do
- The Future: Amazing Challenges, 2-3 minute video
- Teaching Machines
- Is Web 2.0 a Bubble?
- Printing Pizza, Brewing Coffee and Receiving Mail in Your PC
- Advance Software in Web 2.0 Visualization - C Dragon
Please let me know if I can help you further.
Ray Jimenez, PhD www.vignettestraining.com
"Helping Learners Learn Their Way"